This Sunday

Songs & Hymns // Pastor Ward Young

Sermon // Pastor Ryan Fullerton

Fighter Verse of the Week.

Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! ²For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb. ³Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. ⁴Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

- Psalm 34:1–4

When churches memorize Scripture together, the members deepen their dependency upon God’s Word, grow in Word-centered friendships, enrich their prayers for one another, and build unity that is essential to the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:13–16, Colossians 3:14). This is why, with the aid of Fighter Verses, a ministry of Truth:78, Immanuel is seeking to memorize Scripture together throughout 2023. The weekly memory verse is shared in the bulletin, the Immanuel Connect, and implemented into the Sunday School hour, with helpful resources available here, in the Immanuel app, and also in the bookstore (coming soon). May the Word of Christ dwell in us richly during 2023, that we may teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in our hearts to God (Col. 3:16).

Get each week’s passage, devotional, and Scripture memory encouragement delivered to your inbox.


Special Announcement

Testimony & Prayer Sunday School Hour // February 19th

As part of the Immanuel Network Summit, Immanuel Adults and Immanuel Youth will be gathering together in the auditorium during the Sunday School hour, 9:00a, to hear from—and pray for—a panel of our Immanuel Network partners.

Please note: Immanuel Kids will operate as usual.

Upcoming Events.

Bible Telling Through Henna // February 13th–March 6th

Learn how to tell Bible stories using henna. Henna is used in many cultures around the world as a means for women to gather. Come learn how to draw henna, practice telling Bible stories in a clear and concise way, and grow in a new tool of evangelism with other Immanuel sisters. Led by Sarah Werk, this class will gather on Monday evenings in the Immanuel building from 7:00–8:30p  on Feb. 13th, 20th, 27th, & March 6th. Interested? Register here.


Evening with the Immanuel Network // February 17th

Join us on Friday, February 17th, from 6:30–8:00p in Immanuel’s auditorium for an evening with the Immanuel Network. This time will be an opportunity to meet our church’s partners, hear from partners, and worship alongside them. We would love for you to come!


IY Fourth Friday // February 24th

IY Students // Each month, Immanuel Youth is thrilled to host a Fourth Friday event on the (you guessed it) fourth Friday of the month! These are fun, community-cultivating opportunities for the students to enjoy time together outside of Sunday mornings. This month's Fourth Friday will be February 24th, 6:30–8:30p, at Immanuel. Stay tuned for more details!


D3 Winter Conference // March 10th–11th

Immanuel Youth (Current 9th–12th Grade) // Sometimes the simplest questions are the hardest to answer. For Christians, answering the question “Who is Jesus?” is vital to living the Christian life. This year’s D3 Winter Conference seeks to give students confidence in understanding Jesus.

D3 Winter Conference is a two-day discipleship conference on March 10th–11th hosted by Boyce College here in Louisville, crafted for Christian high school students (9th–12th) to develop and mature their faith. Join Immanuel Youth as we take a crew! Interested? Register here

Note: When registering, select Group Registration and choose Immanuel Baptist Church (Louisville) from the dropdown menu. Use code LOCAL for $5.00 off.


2023 Love Your Neighbor: Ministry Fair // March 19th

Jesus said, "I am among you as one who serves" (Luke 22:27). The 2023 Love Your Neighbor: Ministry Fair, Sunday, March 19th, aims to help you celebrate and discover opportunities to serve like him. At 9:00a, we will share about—and pray for—some new ways we can begin serving this neighborhood. At 10:15a, we will explore how Jesus calls us to serve like him. At noon, lunch will be provided as our building fills with booths and representatives from all kinds of ministries. Will you join us for the 2023 Love Your Neighbor: Ministry Fair as we celebrate and discover the many opportunities we have to serve like him? More details to come, but save the date!


Fourth Street Camp // June 26th–30th

Save the Date! Fourth Street Camp will officially be on June 26th–30th at Immanuel. FSC is a free evening camp for kids entering 3rd–8th grade. More details to come!

Service Opportunities.

Immanuel Communications Internship

The Immanuel Communications Internship (approx. 5–7 hours/week) exists to further communicate Immanuel's vision across various mediums, including social media, photography, website, print, and more. Interested in learning more? Reach out to our Communications Director, Cody Farthing, at


Medical Response Team

Are you Basic Life Support certified and looking for a place to serve at Immanuel? If so, consider serving with Immanuel’s medical response team. This team is a lightweight, on-call volunteer service that provides the welcome team with rapid, basic medical assistance and advice during Sunday morning services. These volunteers are the first point of contact via radio in case of an urgent medical situation.

Interested in serving? Please contact


Facility Care Intern Opportunity

Immanuel's beautiful facilities are a reminder of the kindness of our Lord and his love for the nations. The task of stewarding such a gift with excellence takes a team of faithful servants. The Lord has been very gracious to provide a residential internship for three Facility Care Interns.

We currently have immediate openings!

Our Facility Care Interns live in our intern triplex on Breckinridge St. adjacent to the church. Their responsibilities include: weekly cleaning of the church building, routine maintenance tasks as they are able (skills not required), and other tasks as assigned.

We are looking for single men who are members of Immanuel, who are striving to grow in holiness, and have 10 to 15 hours per week to serve the body of Christ, in exchange for a place to live with awesome Christian community!

Interested? Contact Scott Stringer at



Mercy Needs Form

The Lord provides for the needs of his people and has appointed deacons in the church to help administer this provision so that there would not be a needy person among us at Immanuel. If you are aware of a need that the Lord might meet through the care of our deacons, please make our deacons aware of it through our Mercy Needs Form.


Ways to Give

Thank you so much for your continued worship of our great God through your faithful giving during this unique season. When we exclusively moved to mailed checks and online giving, you responded. Because of your sacrificial giving, we have been able to continue fully supporting our missionaries, our ministries, and our staff.

We are pleased to share that, not only can you give online, but you can now give in person once again! Giving boxes are located near the sanctuary exits.


Immanuel App

Want a simple resource to help stay connected at Immanuel? Download the new Immanuel app here. While still currently a work in progress, expect to see future resources coming to the app that will integrate with Breeze to better serve our church body.


Gifts Assessment

As we study our community we are seeking to identify the burdens, needs, and desires of our neighbors. The key to serving our community is to locate all available church assets and begin connecting them to these burdens and needs. As a church, God has equipped us with many gifts, talents, and resources to be used to serve one another, as well as, those around us. So, would you share the ways God has gifted you to serve? We would love to know! Please take a few minutes to fill out this gifts assessment form. 


Resources for Families

We are grateful to offer a nursing mothers' room located off the balcony on the 2nd floor. Furthermore, a cry room is available in the fellowship hall. Both locations offer the service streamed. For directions, view our building map by clicking the desired room above.