Steve and Valerie Keating have just celebrated their ten-year anniversary of moving to Ireland. There have been a lot of changes in ten years! Over these years, they have transitioned to a new country, culture, friends, cars (driving on the left!), houses, churches, roles, family size, towns, mission orgs, and much more! These changes are a reminder of the One who never changes. He is always steady, always faithful, and always loves us. The Lord is great and worthy of praise! Praise Him for all His grace and mercy over the last ten years.
Steve is functioning in his new role as an elder and is continuing to teach, preach, and disciple others. Parenting and homeschooling their kids is an area where they continue to grow in wisdom and love.
Luke has been an Associate Pastor at First Baptist Church (FBC) in LaGrange, Ohio, since 2016. He and his family have been faithfully serving the church since then, and the Lord has brought a lot of fruit and maturity to the body as a result.
The church has just started up their youth group again for the year and they are hoping for more young people to join and hear the gospel. They have had more intentional conversations with new believers, immature believers, and unbelievers lately which have resulted in godly growth and new believers.
Hebrews 13:7 tells us to remember those who lead and speak the Word to us, considering the result of their conduct, so as to imitate their faith. Praise the Lord for how He has gifted Immanuel with godly pastors who serve the church to the end that the saints are equipped for the work of ministry, to the glory of God.
United Arab Emirates
Ev. Christian:
Main Language:
Spiritual Beliefs:
99.6% Islam
Bible in Heart Language:
The Arab culture was developed by tribes of nomads and villagers who lived in the Arabian Desert. The Gulf Arab live primarily along the southern edges of the Arabian Desert.