
The Keatings are celebrating 10 years in Ireland. The church plant at Passage west continues to strengthen with the formation of men's and women's groups meeting every other week. The Friday night Bible study has resumed, and they've started a monthly outreach to kids. In the men’s and women’s groups, there has been discussion and vulnerability in prayer requests that is building unity in the church.

Pray for their oldest son, Shane, as he transitions to the U.S. in January.  He will be plugging into a church in Florida where extended family goes. Shane will be seeking deeper Christian community with young adults in his same stage of life and to be gainfully employed .

  • Praise the Lord for the sweet evenings of the men’s and women’s groups.
  • Pray that God would help those who are young Christians in attendance  to press on in their faith in  hostile environments. 
  • Pray for the Keatings neighbours to know Christ and for them to be bold and kind and compassionate with them.
North America.
Waiehu Community Church // Waiehu, HI

Waiehu Community Church had around 25 unbelieving family and friends attend their ku'i kalo (taro pounding) workshop this past weekend. The visitors heard a brief gospel presentation, learned to ku'i (pound), and took home some fresh pa'i'ai and poi (taro). WCC desires for these workshops to grow and reach more people in the area. This past Sunday, they had their Introducing Waiehu Class with six individuals attending. Two of these attendees have made recent professions of faith and expressed desires for baptism.

Pastor Rocky is back at a local public highschool teaching the gospel of John every Tuesday at the Christian club. Last year, they averaged about 4–5 students and it was one of the highlights of the week. This year, the attendance has grown to the mid-20s and 30s. Many of these students are unchurched but come because friends invite them.

  • Pray for the salvation of those who attend the ku’i kalo workshop and for it to become  an effective means of outreach to the community.
  • Pray that the attendees of the Introducing Waiehu class have faith that is evident and that each attendee would be persuaded to unite themselves to WCC in covenant membership. 
  • Pray every student in the Christian club would believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, have life in his name, and for God to help Rocky faithfully and powerfully expound the Scriptures.
The Prisoner's Hope

The Prisoner’s Hope is a Christ-centered ministry reaching out to those incarcerated and their families. Mentors build relationships before, during, and after incarceration and assist with basic needs to equip for successful re-entry into society. Other areas of ministry include support groups and children's and parents' hope ministries. 

  • Pray that mentors from our church would minister the word of Christ to these men and women.
  • Pray that many would be converted & discipled through this ministry.
  • Pray that every single prisoner would have a successful reentry into society and get plugged into a local church.
Gayo of Indonesia





Ev. Christian:


Main Language:


Spiritual Beliefs:

94% Islam

Bible in Heart Language:


The Gayo live in the isolated central mountains of the Aceh province on the island of Sumatra. Their homeland lies in the Bukit Barisan Range which has elevations of over 12,000 feet and extends more than one thousand miles.

  • Pray God would use believers within the greater region to share the gospel with their neighbors. 
  • Praise God that a few Gayo have believed in Christ in recent years.
  • Pray that God would establish healthy local churches among the Gayo people.