East Africa

Nate and Jenni serve among a rural, agricultural people group in Eastern Africa with a heart to plant and strengthen local churches. Following a vision-casting conference in April there was a bit of push back from some of the pastors of other churches in the province. Three of them who came agreed in principle that they should share the gospel and make disciples, but they are each struggling with pride which prevents them from accepting someone else’s vision. 

One family, August and June, remain very encouraging and focused on the goal of training church planters for every district within the province. Nate and Jenni had an intensive time with their family this month to discuss vision moving forward despite a bit of unfortunate opposition. Another family, Bert and Olive, are being trained as church planters and there will be a workshop for them and others on how to best care for their family as they step out. 

  • Pray for unity of vision and humble hearts among the existing pastors.
  • Pray for these two families as they face different challenges. 
  • Pray for the church to have a vision for reaching the province with the gospel.
North America.
Waiehu Community Church // Waiehu, HI

This last Sunday, Rocky recommended Kupono and Makana for baptism and church membership. Pray God will continue the work he started in them and that their baptism strengthens their faith and the faith of the entire congregation. After an extensive process, Rocky recently had the joy of recommending Josh Lockhart and Kenny Komatsu as pastoral candidates. Pray for these brothers and their families as they go through the congregational examination aspect of this process. Pray God will use it to further sanctify and mature them.

Waiehu is taking a break from life groups during the summer. They will resume study nights, accountability, and fellowship times in August. Pray the entire church continues growing in greater purity, holiness, and unity; that every member will feel this responsibility and privilege both personally and corporately. Pray more and more members pursue one another, especially those on the fringes. Pray that every member will have at least one other member who is intentionally working towards their personal growth in godliness.

  • Pray that more regular attenders would be spurred on to commit to church membership.
  • Pray for clarity, unity, and affirmation of the elder candidates as the congregation considers their life and doctrine.
  • Pray for the church members to grow in unity and love for one another.
Immanuel Pastors

Hebrews 13:7 tells us to remember those who lead and speak the Word to us, considering the result of their conduct, so as to imitate their faith. Praise the Lord for how He has gifted Immanuel with godly pastors who  serve the church to the end that the saints are equipped for the work of ministry, to the glory of God.

  • Pray that each pastor would walk in the fear of the Lord, seeking his power and his presence. 
  • Pray for continued unity among the pastors and that God would grant each pastor wisdom as they shepherd and equip the saints.
  • Pray that God would continue to guard each of our pastors against the schemes of the adversary and to lead them by the Spirit.
Catalonians of Spain





Ev. Christian:


Main Language:


Spiritual Beliefs:

82% Catholic

Bible in Heart Language:


Catalonia is one of the most prosperous regions in Spain. Barcelona is its capital. Most Catalonians are classified as Catholics but many do not go to church regularly and are largely secular.

  • Pray that God would raise up strong local churches in Catalonia.
  • Pray that the Catalonian Christians would grow in evangelism
  • Pray for maturity to develop in local believers in the Catalonian region, that Christ might be lifted high.